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Thursday, April 25, 2013

What is relationship? *to me*

Telling everything out makes you feel better, but in some cases. It's better to hold up your feelings and keeping it to yourself. No one will understand what you're going through alas they go through it. A relationship. Whereby two partners share their secrets, their happiness and their sorrows. A relationship that stays forever within two people. Sincerity and trust, plays an important role. Nobody is perfect but two imperfectionist person are able to make one simple perfect relationship. Relationship should be taken seriously. A small fight could breakdown a relationship, but it only takes a few minutes to bring it back to normal. As for me, I would just wait for the right time, I am waiting for that one day whereby I'll be appreciated by everyone, and especially him. I know I am not perfect but one day he'll know that I am always his Mrs.Right !